Saturday, March 7, 2009

Loli Bloomers

I plan on wearing a Lolita outfit to A-kon 20 this summer, and so far all I have managed to put together are the bloomers. Here's a picture of them!

I used Simplicity's pattern 2777 and a black poly/cotton blend fabric.
Considering that I am still a novice seamstress, these were pretty easy! They gave me a few problems when it came to the leg bands. They were so wide that it looked like I was wearing boy boxers with ruffles. 

After calling my Mom and fellow cosplay buddy, I was still confuzzled on how to fix them without taking it all apart. The legs were made up of 3 sections: the ruffle, the leg band, and then bloomers themselves. I noticed that some of my seam allowances from the bloomers and the ruffles were sewn together, and it looked like it could make a perfect casing for elastic. So I grabbed a huge safety pin, ripped open only a few seams, and started threading some elastic through. Sure enough, it had made it's own casing! There were a few parts that I had to hand stitch to complete the casing, but it was WAY better than ripping it all apart. When that was finished, I re-adjusted the mock-bows and they turned out perfect! 

Also, instead of using a drawstring waist, I added elastic to that as well. I figure since it's an undergarment that's going to sit under a petticoat AND a dress, I wasn't going to want to fool around with keeping a drawstring tied. Then I added another mock-bow at the waistline and then viola! I have my first pair of Lolita Bloomers! 

Now that I've made my first pair, I am thinking of making one or two more to sell on Etsy. Maybe a white pair and a black pair.

I always learn something new with every thing I sew. The bloomers taught me how to gather for the cutie ruffles. It's so easy and it was so much fun :)
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