Saturday, January 28, 2012

Peanut-Free Fundraiser: Thank You Kim & Scott's Gourmet Pretzels.

I posted this a few years ago when My Space was all the rage. Since it's long gone and deleted, I decided to post this again out of appreciation. It was a fundraiser for a local school and I have yet to see another one like this. I apologize for the blurry pic (all I had was my cell phone camera at the time), but look! Peanut Free!! Most fundraisers I have to pass up; my son can't eat any of the goodies because majority have the warning, "May contain peanuts." If they are selling non-food items, I will most definitely order because I encourage it. But this was the first fundraiser that landed in my hands that said peanut free! Just because of that, I bought that $15 pretzel!

I checked out their website and they have a "Dietary Allergy Awareness" section that reads as follows:

"•We are a nut-free bakery using only all-natural and premium ingredients, and strive to provide dietary alternatives!
• Our pretzel creations are all-natural and contain no preservatives, trans fats, or hydrogenated oil.
• We offer pretzels in our line that are dairy-free, egg-free, and gluten-free.
• Our Traditional and Stuffed Pretzels are 100% vegetarian.
• Our Café offers nutritional alternatives including our Sunflower butter & Jelly Pretzel Sandwich. We also provide dairy-free and egg-free options, including our soy milk, Traditional Bavarian Pretzel, fresh fruit cups, Knot Dogs and more."
And to make it even better, they feature a logo on the same page that reads, "Allergy Aware Because We Care - Made in a Nut-Free facility."

I love that! Thank you, Kim & Scott's, for caring and being aware. :)  

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